Airport Master Plan


Airport Master Plan


An Airport Master Plan is a long-range planning document used to review existing conditions and prepare forecasts that will define future aviation and non-aviation needs of the community and the Airport. These needs guide the master plan process and are the basis for determining the appropriate role for the Airport and future Airport development.

The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) is a component of the Airport Master Plan. The ALP is a visual conceptual development plan that identifies improvements needed to address any design deficiencies, growth in aviation demand levels as well as changing conditions and circumstances at the airport. The ALP is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. All proposed future developments will undergo thorough state and federal environmental review as required by law.

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2021 Master Plan Summary

The Olympia Regional Airport began the process of updating the Airport Master Plan in the Spring of 2021. A Master Plan Update (MPU) is a planning tool utilized by the Airport, the Port, and the FAA to understand the current and future needs of the Airport based on the current and forecasted aviation demand. An MPU is a comprehensive study of an airport and usually describes the short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation demand.  The 2021 Airport Master Plan Update project is being managed by the Port’s consulting firm, The Aviation Planning Group.

The study is 100% funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and follows FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B, Airport Master Plans. The planning period for such an update is 20 years, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that the Olympia Regional Airport Master Plan be updated every 10 years. An airport master plan is an important tool in determining an airport’s current and future development needs. The most recent Master Plan Update for the Airport was completed in 2013.

The public outreach and engagement opportunities, as well as the project documents, will be provided below throughout the project.

The Airport Master Plan Update is not associated with WSDOT’s Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (CACC). Questions regarding the CACC should be directed directly to WSDOT.

Recent Update: 2021 Master Plan

In 2021, the Olympia Regional Airport began an extensive multi-year process to update its 2013 airport master plan. Given the significant changes over the past decade, this update incorporates key elements such as emerging technologies and environmental sustainability. Typically, a master plan update takes about two years to complete; however, the process was extended due to staffing changes and delays in the development of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). While the airport had hoped to include development alternatives contingent upon the successful completion of the HCP, unexpected delays in the HCP process have necessitated moving forward with the master plan update to meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) deadlines.

The final drafts of the master plan sections, which will be presented to the commission for approval in March 2025, are being made available for public review. Throughout the update process, the Port has prioritized public engagement, hosting four open house events and a “Conversation with the Airport Manager” night—an open Q&A session with no topic off-limits. Additionally, the Port has kept the public informed through a dedicated master plan update webpage and an email account for receiving comments and inquiries.

In the effort of transparency and continued public involvement, we are providing a 30-day public comment period for the final draft documents. The review period will begin on January 13, 2025, and close on February 12, 2025. To ensure adequate time for review, 1-2 sections of the master plan will be posted each week leading up to the official comment period. Public comments will continue to be accepted via the master plan email throughout this period. The complete master plan update may be presented to the commission for consideration at a future commission meeting.  The original public hearing and commission agenda item planned for the March 24, 2025 commission meeting has been removed.

Public Outreach

While the Airport MPU process is driven by the FAA standards and grant assurances, the Project Team will inform and consult the public in accordance with the IAP2 Spectrum.  The Project Team will use a variety of public engagement tools throughout the course of the study.

  1. Study webpage with study documents, FAQs and information.
  2. Formation of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprised of Airport stakeholders to provide technical guidance throughout the MPU process.  The TAC will meet three times and all meetings will be open to the public.
  3. Three Public Open Houses where the public can learn about the study and ask questions of the Project Team.
  4. Study electronic mailing list.
Revised Airport Master Plan Update Schedule

November 25, 2024: Commission Briefing

January 13, 2025: Commission Advisory: Airport Master Plan Adoption and Comprehensive Scheme Inclusion

30-Day Public Comment Period: January 13, 2025 through February 12, 2025

Date to be determined: Commission Action: Airport Master Plan Adoption and PUBLIC HEARING / Comprehensive Scheme Inclusion

How do I engage?

Members of the public can engage in the Airport Master Plan Update process in several ways.

Past Meetings:

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #1 – May 20, 2021
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #2 – July 15, 2021
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #3 – December 16, 2021
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #4 – March 10, 2022

Public Open House #1 – September 27, 2021
Public Open House #2 – February 17, 2022
Public Open House #3 – May 26, 2022
Public Open House #4 – October 12, 2022

Thank you for your interest in the master plan update process.  The 30-day public comment period officially closes on February 12, 2025; the master plan update email address,, will no longer be monitored after February 12, 2025.  Comments received after February 12, 2025, will not receive a response or be included in Appendix 1-1 “Public Involvement Summary” of the master plan update.

SEPA Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS)

The Port of Olympia has determined that adoption of the 2021 Olympia Airport Master Plan update does not have a probable significant adverse impact upon the environment due to proposed measures to reduce or control impacts associated with its implementation, including mitigation requirements. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the Lead Agency of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency.

Issue Date: February 6, 2025

Comment Deadline: February 20, 2025

Appeal Deadline: March 13, 2025

Airport Master Plan Chapters

2021 Airport Master Plan Update Project Chapters


2021 Airport Master Plan Update Project Documents

Project documents will be posted here as they are developed.

2013 Airport Master Plan Update

The 2013 Airport Master Plan documents and Airport Layout Plan drawing are available below. 

Master Plan FAQs

The MPU is a multi-year planning initiative that outlines the development and improvement strategies for the airport. The update is nearing completion, with final documents scheduled to go before the commission in March 2025.

The completion of the MPU was delayed in order to incorporate development alternatives that were contingent upon an approved Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). However, due to delays with the HCP, the airport will proceed with the update without including these specific development alternatives.

The final drafts of the MPU documents will be made available on the Port’s master plan update website. Starting the week of December 16th, 1-2 sections of the final draft will be posted each week. The complete draft will be available by January 13th, 2025.

Yes. Starting January 13th, 2025, there will be a 30-day public comment period. During this time, the public will have the opportunity to review the final draft documents and provide comments before the commission takes action in March 2025.

To learn more about the MPU, please visit the Port’s master plan update website at