Contact Olympia Airport
Olympia Airport FAQs
The Olympia Regional Airport does not have commercial passenger airline service. The closest airports with passenger service are Seattle (SEA) and Portland (PDX). There are also currently no charter flight companies based at the Olympia Regional Airport.
For the safety of the public and security of the facility, entry through the airport gates is permitted only by authorized users of the airport businesses and aircraft storage areas.
Since the Olympia Airport does not currently have passenger air service, there is no TSA office on site. For questions about security requirements at SeaTac or other airports, please view the TSA website or SeaTac’s travelers website.
Charter flight services are now offered through Safety in Motion Flight Center, located at the Olympia Regional Airport. For information about their charter services, call 253-840-5758, or visit their website at
Yes. Since 2011, Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) has seen an increase in the number of helicopters based at the former Ft. Lewis facility by about 25%. The units train both day and night. In addition to training at the regional airports, they train on routes and in areas not associated with a specific airport.
In 2011, the Port hired Mead & Hunt, an airline service consultant, to evaluate industry trends and do a market analysis of the likelihood of regaining air service at the Olympia Regional Airport. Their research indicated current industry trends make it unlikely for Olympia to obtain new service. Airline operating costs are higher in small markets and airlines are reducing short haul flying and airline capacity (available seats). Consequently, the Port is not actively recruiting passenger service at the Airport. The Port is vigilant for changes in market conditions that might present opportunities in the future.
Citizens can provide airlines with feedback through the usual customer service methods airlines have in place for their customers.
Two of our flight schools offer scenic flights within a 25 mile radius of the Olympia Regional Airport, as regulated by the FAA. Contact either Glacier Aviation or Safety in Motion to inquire.
No, the airport runways, taxiways and parking areas are not designed for large passenger or cargo aircraft. In some cases, exceptions can be made for a one-time operation for a special circumstance such as an aircraft engineering modification.
There are no plans to extend the runway. Should air traffic forecasts change in the future, the runway needs will be reevaluated.
Federal Aviation Regulations state: Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below an altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, no lower than 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.
Over uncongested areas, no lower than 500 feet above the surface. Over open water or sparsely populated areas, aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
Helicopters. Helicopters may be operated at less than the minimums listed above if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface.
No. Aircraft arrive or depart to and from the airport with no prior notice. The airport is open 24 hours daily.
Military aircraft have training areas and training routes throughout the region. Often, military flights just seem lower because aircraft are larger and/or louder, and studies have shown that people react more strongly to noise at nighttime.
For more information citizens can call the Joint Base Lewis McChord noise complaint line at (253) 967-0852 or the Public Affairs Office at (253) 967-0146 and (253) 967-0158.
Yes, the Airport cannot restrict the military from training here. The Port of Olympia is required to operate the Airport in accordance with the deed obligations that accompany the transfer of federal surplus property (the Airport) and the Grant Assurances that accompany the acceptance of federal Airport Improvement Program funds.
Specifically the airport deed requires….“all of the transferred property called the “airport” shall be used for public airport purposes on reasonable terms without unjust discrimination and without grant or exercise of any exclusive right within the meaning of the Civil Aeronautics Act on 1938.” This deed obligation is in perpetuity.
The Grant Assurance for Airport Sponsors #22 Economic Nondiscrimination states…“sponsor will make the airport available as an airport for public use on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination to all types, kinds, and classes of aeronautical activities.”
The Grant Assurance for Airport Sponsors #27 Use by Government Aircraft states…“sponsor will make available all of the facilities of the airport and all of those useable for landing and takeoff of aircraft to the United States for use by government aircraft in common with other aircraft at all times.”
See photos of the types of aircraft that typically use the Airport, and types of commercial service aircraft capable of using the Airport.
See the Washington State Department of Transportations Aviation Economic Impacts Study to learn about the economic impacts of airports.

Noise Complaints
Flight operations in all nationwide airspace are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As a result, all flight activity above or in the vicinity of Olympia Regional Airport is ultimately FAA responsibility, and not in any way controlled by Olympia Regional Airport or the Port of Olympia. Should there be a concern with either low flying aircraft or aircraft noise, it is recommended that the issue be brought directly to the attention of either the FAA – for all non-military aircraft – and/or Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) – for all military aircraft, including military helicopters.
For all non-military aircraft, noise complaints can be submitted to the FAA at this link: FAA Noise Portal
For all military aircraft, please contact JBLM as instructed by the information at this link: Military Noise Complaint
As an option, you are welcome to send a copy of your correspondence to Olympia Regional Airport ( for the Port’s awareness.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM
Contact Olympia Regional Airport
Thank you for your interest in the Olympia Airport. To receive information about the Airport or to provide input please fill out the form below.
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- 360-528-8079
- 360-528-8097